In a thrilling announcement, the highly anticipated world premiere of “Blitz,” a new World War II film helmed by the acclaimed Sir Steve McQueen, is set to take place in London. Shot in various locations around Hull, the film captivates audiences with the poignant tale of nine-year-old George and his mother, Rita, who is determined to protect her son amid the chaos of war.
Saoirse Ronan takes on the role of Rita, with Elliott Heffernan portraying George. The film also features a talented ensemble cast, including Harris Dickinson, Erin Kellyman, and Stephen Graham. Principal photography took place in February 2023, transforming Hull into a 1940s setting adorned with vintage red buses, period posters, and authentic street furniture.
Kristy Matheson, head of the BFI London Film Festival, commended McQueen’s artistry, calling it “visually dazzling” and highlighting the remarkable performances. She pointed out that this film delves into profound social commentary, further enhancing McQueen’s already impressive filmography.
“It’s really such a deep social commentary he is making as well,” Matheson remarked. “This latest work is on another level.”
Hull, affectionately dubbed “Hullywood” for its burgeoning reputation as a filming hotspot for major productions like “The Crown” and “Enola Holmes 2,” provided not only picturesque backdrops but also local extras for “Blitz.” As excitement builds for the film’s festival debut, it is set to hit theaters on November 1, promising audiences a captivating and visually stunning experience.